Your love

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8God is love.  I John 4:8b NKJV

Your Love

Father, thank You for Your Love

that surrounds me.

Your Love overwhelms me.

It is more real than anything

I have ever known.

It abides in my soul– this love from You, for You, that originated in You,

is of You.

It is a powerful, holy, all-living Love that is absolute.


Thank You that You give it to us, Father,

as a tidal wave of joy,

an explosion of beauty,

an avalanche

of Your powerful, powerful Love.

Love from You, Holy God, to Your created.

You hold back nothing in Your gift of abundance.

You are Love and You give Yourself to my earth being.

Your forgiveness only is able to make me worthy to receive Your gift.


I can’t express gratitude of this depth.

I am not able.

My words are too human.

I have no ability to define this Love

that I feel for You, my God.


My heart, my soul, my being

are eternally Yours.


I love You, Lord,


it is impossible

not to love

such Love.

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 NKJV


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