your heart's desire

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Which desires of your heart and which of your plans should be fulfilled?

May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,
And fulfill all your purpose. Psalm 20:4 NKJV


This verse tells us that God should give you the desire of your heart and make all of your plans succeed. Wow! Really?

God will give us everything we want?


Perhaps, we should first examine the fact that in our love for God, we should want ONLY that which is His Will for our lives. Only He knows what is best.

Our hopes, wishes, and desires too often are selfish, short-sighted, and might end in disaster if fulfilled. Very often we choose things that we think will make us happy, without much thought to the long term. We think of the popularity, fame, job prestige, or the person we admired asking us out.

Though Scripture tells us of God’s Will and God’s Plan, the greater good is seldom considered in our momentary rush of excitement.

Rationalizing our decisions often becomes something we do to push down the doubt arising over our choices.

Often we tell ourselves that we must be right and God will certainly agree with our plans, knowing full well that we rushed ahead without even praying about it.


However, when we follow God’s Will and commands in Scripture, we find wisdom. When we ask God to help us make decisions and just quietly listen for His answer, there will be enormous peace in our hearts!

God alone sees our lives from beginning to end and He knows what will be best for us.

Lastly, when we rely upon His choice and when we pray for His Will, our desires and plans will be His. 

As they are fulfilled, it will always be for our best good and ultimately, be our true heart’s desire.




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