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You Knew Me Before

Did you ever meet someone who knew you from your past that you had forgotten you knew? Most of us have, but after talking to them for a little while we start remembering things we shared. Sometimes we renew our friendships and at other times we go our separate ways and forget them again.

What we do with these chance meetings is often up to us. Each one can be a new adventure in life or simply a meeting.

Sometimes someone says “hi” to us and yet we may not remember them at all.

God is like that. He knew you in the past and hopefully, you have come to accept Him in the present.

I knew you!

God told Jeremiah that He knew him before He formed him in his mother’s womb.

Since God is not a respecter of persons we can assume that what is true for Jeremiah is also true for us.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified  you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”  Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV

I believe we can apply this prior verse to ourselves.

God understands who we are and what we will be before He forms us in our mother’s womb. Not only does He create us, but He has sanctified or set us aside for a purpose.

God Knew Me!

Think about that revelation. Just like Jeremiah, God knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. God had a plan for you before you were!

The world proclaims loudly that you were nothing more than a growth in your mother’s body. To the world, you have no purpose or plan until they tell you what it is. The world says that if your mother or the government doesn’t want you they have the right to get rid of you. You are just unwanted tissue.

The world is wrong again! God has a plan for your life. He will reveal it to you if you put Him first.

God knows YOU!  Take time to get to know Him!


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