Wise in your eyes

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We are a culture that is fond of seeing ourselves wise in our own eyes and patting ourselves on our backs. We convince ourselves to believe we have done all ourselves in the way of accomplishments, education, and wisdom. The truth is that nothing is of ourselves.

7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
And strength to your bones. Proverbs 3:7-8



This passage cautions against the behavior of thinking ourselves wise in our own evaluation. We have only to look to history, both that of the world and that of our personal lives, to see how often we take a wrong turn.

Instead, it points us in the right direction toward the Lord and away from evil. Scripture shows us, again and again, that all truth, love, wisdom, power, holiness, and righteousness is of God. He alone created all things and is the source of all justice and purity.


Following the ways of the world often bring us to the point of choosing things and people that are toxic to our bodies and souls.

Following God and His ways of goodness will bring health and strength to our lives both spiritual and physical.

Now THAT is true wisdom.

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