winning souls

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The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
And he who wins souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30 NKJV

Souls to Win

Winning souls is the theme of our verse today. As you allow the Holy Spirit to work through you, miraculous things are happening.

As you witness your faith in Christ to others, the Holy Spirit works in their hearts. If you simply and plainly tell of your personal testimony of coming to Christ, and let the Holy Spirit work, hearts will be wooed to the Savior.

There are countless people who will be heading to hell if they are not told of Jesus.

First, however, let us look at the beginning of this passage. It talks about the fruit of the righteous.

Who Are These Righteous?

Since no one is righteous except God, it is clear that there is a mystery here.

The mystery is resolved when you recall that it is only when you realize you are a sinner and ask for Christ as your Savior, that the first step is taken in the salvation process.


Taking the gift of Christ’s life given for you in gratitude and in a sense of unworthiness is the beginning point.

You then ask God for the forgiveness of your sins through Christ and as a believer in Christ you will have been forgiven your confessed sins.

In time, fruits are seen in the life of the believer and follower of Christ Jesus.

You observe things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control present in the lives of believers. This is called the fruit of the Spirit. (See Galatians 5:22-23.)

The Fruit, The Tree

The fruit of the righteous man, the follower of the Lord, is like a tree of life.

Likewise, it gives abundantly to those around him.

It opens you up to feeling the deep desire to share your experience of coming to Christ and telling of all Christ has done in your own life.

Witnessing / Telling Your Story

You need to know that nothing fancy is needed.

Your sincerity and love are understood by everyone.

So, simply tell your story.

You need no pretense, no polishing up the details of your shared experience.

Above all, I hope that you open your soul and let the love of Jesus flow out to those around you, for miracles will abound.

The Holy Spirit Will Be Working

Allow the Holy Spirit of God to work on the hearts of those listening around you as you tell your story.

Maybe it will be long after the story is told, that the listener’s heart will soften and the one hearing you will remember and be converted.

You might never know when or if it happens.

Your Job

Your job is to simply tell your story and witness for the Lord Jesus and let God do the rest.

It might not be in a setting with multiple listeners, where you witness. Most often it will be in a one-on-one setting where you simply share it through your conversation with another or over lunch.

Thus, people will hear and the Holy Spirit will do His glorious part.

Your part, however, is given to you by a loving God Who allows you to be a part of the miracle of sharing Christ.

Glorious Gift

What a blessing! What a glorious gift from God to us!

It is mind-boggling and soul-shaking to be allowed to be used in the saving of a soul!

Winning souls is a blessing and a joy to behold.

It is a privilege to be a part of evangelizing whether you see results then or not.

Are you being made fun of and ridiculed as you witness for the Lord? Rejoice in that too because it was also done to those sharing the Lord long before you. You are part of a long line of believers who suffered for their faith and love of Christ.

Continue sharing the Lord and doing your part in soul-winning.

He Who Wins Souls

You who win souls are wise says this Proverb.

Moreover, you are wise because you share Christ.

Of all the things that exist to do on this planet, there is nothing more valuable than being a part of the saving of another human being from going to hell.

Telling another of Jesus and leading him to the Savior and to an eternity in Heaven with God is the most important thing of which you will ever be a part.

Finally, you should rejoice and be grateful that God is allowing you to be a part of it all.

Truly, the one who is winning souls is blessed, and part of the most meaningful thing in the universe.

You who spend your time in such endeavors are blessed by God and wise indeed.


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