God of the Bible

The Great and Almighty I AM

Who is the God of the Bible? God gave all His creations a desire to worship their Creator. When we do not clearly understand who God is, we tend to build our own kind of gods. In ancient times they built them out of stone, silver, gold, and even wood. Often they chose to make them look like creatures that God had created.

Men gave the only true God many names. Most of those names were a combination of words affirming who He is and what He does. However, all His names portray His greatness and provision for His people. Some considered His Name so holy that they never uttered it. Others use His Name as a curse word or without any meaning.

Christians today often fail to give God the respect due Him. Instead, we see Him as a benevolent Father more than the God who created all things. Someone we call on when we need something and forget the rest of the year.

I call this attitude toward God the Santa Claus syndrome. Prayer becomes a letter of request instead of a time to build a relationship with the Living God.

Some even feel they can refer to Him as Daddy, which I and others think is disrespectful.

When we address Him as Father, we may forget that He is also a God of righteousness who will and has judged our sins. We should notice that when Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He began with, “Our Father which art in heaven, hollowed would be thy name.” Matthew 6:9 NKJV

Even the name of God is Holy, so when we use Father, we must never forget that we are addressing God. He is unlike our earthly fathers, whom we may or may not respect today. We must remember that He is the Creator of everything and never takes second place.

God our Creator                                                                                                                        

Yes, God proclaims Himself as our Father, but He is also our Creator and the Creator of all that we know and see. The Old Testament says,In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 NKJV A few verses later, it tells of the creation of man.

We show respect and honor to men elected to some political office. You can make a mental list of different ones for whom you show particular respect. When speaking to or of God, we should show even more care. The Israelites considered His name too holy to be uttered.

Scriptures tell us that God formed our bodies. For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 In other scriptures tells us that God knew us even before conception. We were in the mind of God.

When you say Father in prayer or conversation, it needs to show reverence for whom you speak. Therefore, you should never say it lightly but humbly and reverently.


When we ask, “Who is God of the Bible?“ Perhaps the best one to ask is God Himself. I especially like how He answered Moses.

When God called Moses to be his spokesperson, Moses did not want to go. As he made excuses for not going, Moses asked God what name he should tell the Israelites was God’s name. God said to Moses, “ I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ “  Exodus 3:14

The Almighty’s name is not as important as understanding who He is and that He is much greater than us. Therefore, he deserves our complete respect and honor. Before He is our Father, He is the Creator of Heaven and earth, Lord of Lord, King of Kings, Righteous Judge, and our Savoir.

He has been very kind to us. God has made it clear that He cannot tolerate sin in Heaven. Realizing that we could not live righteous before Him, He provided a way to make us righteous. So we could come into His presence.

That way is Jesus!

Website Name

I titled the site Almighty I AM Calls to emphasize that this site is all about Him and our service to Him. God has placed a call on your life and mine and expects us to respond.   Therefore IAmCalls.com is our link on the internet.

The God who calls us is the same God who sent His chosen people into bondage because of their sins. When they decide not to respect Him and turn their backs on Him, He disciplines them like a good father. However, they were no more intelligent than us. They continued to sin and worshiped idols made with hands.

God calls His people to serve. Jesus came as our earthly example of what God wants us to do. He came as a servant to those He had created. Jesus wants us to follow His example.

I Am Calls is all about serving God by doing what He says.

Jesus says that we will obey what He says if we love Him. He is the God of the Bible. If we fail to serve Him, we do not love Him. Therefore we do not belong to Him.

He will return only for those who follow Him in word and deed.

He sent His Son

A father is willing to suffer for his children, which is why we refer to God as the Father. He does love us with a father-like love. Most of us learned this scripture if we spent any time in church,  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 NKJV However, God’s love does have some conditions.

First, it requires us to believe in the redemption He offers through His Son, Jesus. Secondly, we are to accept that  Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. Finally, we must fix our faith in these concepts.

Scripture tells us that 12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 NIV

We can trust only Jesus for our salvation. God planned a way to save us from our sins before He created the world. His plan will never change.

My commandments

God’s Plan does not change His Laws. Therefore, what He has defined as right or wrong will never change.

You should ask, Where do you stand according to God’s Law?

Jesus says, 21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”  John 14:21 NKJV. He tells us that if we love Him, we WILL keep His commandments.

God sent His Son to teach’ ‘the way’ He wanted us to live our lives by example. He did not change the laws of right and wrong but provided us with the hope of salvation through His Son. He is the God of the Bible.

Jesus identified Himself with the Father in many ways. He never questioned who He was and why He was on the earth. Jesus came to offer a sacrifice for our sins, to pay a debt that brought death to us. God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.

We had the law found in the Old Testament, but no one could follow it without sin. So He sent Jesus to pay a debt that He did not owe. It was a debt that you and I owed but could not pay.

When questioned, He told them who He was.  “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” John 8:58 They understood what He was saying when He ended in, “I AM.”

They started picking up stones to stone Him. Remember, they were very religious men. They were going to stone Him because He was claiming to be God. They had seen His miracles and heard His teaching, but they did not believe.

I AM speaks Again

We know the story of how He died on the cross and rose again on the third day. Most of you who have read this far have probably accepted Him as the Savior of your soul.  However, if you have not accepted Him, I hope you will reach out to me or someone you know who knows Jesus.

Many years later, the scripture tells us about Jesus visiting John. The Revelation of Jesus, as recorded by John, is considered by some to be hard to read, but you should read it.   It is the only scripture that promises a blessing just for reading it.

Jesus answers who is God of the Bible.

Jesus reveals Himself in Revelation 1:8. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

I AM spoke throughout scripture, trying to communicate who He is and why He made us. It is time we wake up and seek His will for our lives.

There is an old country song that describes most of us. Unfortunately, I don’t remember much of it except, “I have played around and played around too long..” Let’s take God seriously!

Our nation is in crisis, our lives are in trouble, and I believe it is because we do not take God seriously. He told us what we should do and gave us clear directions in scripture.

Always remember He is the Creator of Heaven and earth and everything in it. He is the King of the universe.


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