When the Lightning Bolt HitClick For Audio Version

He covers His hands with lightning,
And commands it to strike. Job 36:32 NKJV

When the Lightning Bolt Hit

Every Saturday morning for years, a friend and I visited the homeless to share Jesus. This particular morning’s fine mist with sporadic heavier rain also held intermittent rumbles of thunder. Suspecting the full storm to roll in quickly, we hurried on to the next group of homeless seated on park benches nearby.

Most of these homeless folk knew us and were receptive.

One unknown man sat alone.

I asked if he would like prayer as I handed him a page printed with Bible verses, also asking as I did if he was already a Christian.

Polite but uninterested, he said, “No,” to being a Christian and “No” to desiring either prayer or Bible verses.

At that exact instant came the loudest ear-splitting clap of thunder I’d ever heard and an absolutely blindingly brilliant flash of lightning accompanying the lightning bolt that struck the large tree about 30 feet behind the man to whom I had just spoken. We all gasped and yelled aloud.

The man then collected himself, looked at me, and said, “I’m ready for that prayer now.” Three other homeless men joined us.

I’ve been blessed to see 122 people get saved over the 56 years I’ve been evangelizing.

However, NEVER have I seen anything like we experienced that day.

I’ve thought about it often since.

So many folks in life, think all is fine without God, until the crisis.

Don’t wait for the lightning bolt.

Talk to God and receive Jesus now.

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