when my son prayed

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I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me,  Psalms 17:6a KJV

I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth Psalms 34:1  KJV

Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.  Psalms 34:11 KJV


Last night I heard my son pray.

Not for the first time,

for I had heard his lisping prayers

beside his tiny bed—

and had heard his prayers,

as he grew.

Last night,

I heard from my room above,

my son’s now deep voice rumble in


From below,

it floated up

like incense

as he prayed

beside the cribs

of his own little ones.

I sensed a completed circle,

a realization of continuity

and peace

wash over me.

I realized the faith of my children,

along with their prayers,

will continue after me.

I laid down too,

and unknown to him,

let his voice pray over me as well

–and I thanked God–

and slept.

—     —    —   —   —   —   —

Do we wait for some trusted Sunday School teacher to instruct our children about God? Or do you rely on the pastor to do so when those children are older?

Likely, if they are public schooled, you are already aware that they will glean no moral values from that source.

So, where then, do our children learn of God and His Plan of Salvation?

Teach Them to Pray

Where do they learn to pray to God?

Is it you, the parent, who teaches of your faith and walk with God from personal experience?

Do you let your children hear you pray daily so that they grasp that they need communication with God more than they need their next breath?

Ask them if they talked to God about their concerns of that day and their questions.

Are Your Children Saved?

Are they saved? Do you even know? Do you know if You are saved?

Are you aware that a large number of church attendees have never taken the life-changing step of receiving Christ as their Savior and living for Him?

What are you doing to help your children understand the truth? Are you leading them to receive Christ into their hearts?

Teach them the incredibly vast evidence of Jesus Christ being the Son of God. Share with them how you got saved.

Pray With Your Children

Pray with your children every day.

Talk about Jesus with your children. Tell them how He walks with you and how you want to obey Him.

Share Jesus with others in your children’s presence.

Pray for your children.

—   —   —

Someday, you too might have the joy of listening to your adult children praying over their own babies.

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