When I Found My Smile

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When I Found My Smile

Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among themSong of Solomon 4:2 KJV

The Accident

Nearly 60 years ago, a car accident caused damage to my front teeth. My family dentist filed the broken teeth even, shook his head and said, “Let’s see how long they last.”

Over the many years, and much other dental work, the front teeth remained as they were. They looked odd, but served their purpose. They seemed strong. Always, though, I was self-conscious of my smile.

Thirty years later, I sought another dentist’s opinion of those front teeth. He shook his head and, like the now-deceased dentist of long ago, said that he would “be afraid to touch those front teeth.” Once again, I heard, “Let’s see how long they last.”

I learned to smile less.

The Years

The years have come and gone. In them, I married, had 6 children, became a grandmother many times over, was widowed and later remarried a widower. Between my new husband and I, we have 10 children, 25 grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren.

“Blessed” didn’t come close to describing life and the glorious gifts of goodness that God has bestowed upon us.

My heart and soul smiled long and often. My lips did not.

By now, nearly 60 years had passed since the car crash that changed my smile.

Recently, I heard of a dental school. I put myself on the waitlist and, at long last, had a full evaluation of my problem front teeth. X-rays and professors’ evaluations completed, I was told that the funny-looking front teeth themselves were completely HEALTHY!!

Whatever was wrong was not with the health of the teeth themselves. They should last, even yet, a long while. Yes, they looked odd from the accident, but I was told that was their only problem. Cosmetic repair was optional, but if chosen, was all that would be done.

The staff said they could fix those odd-looking, healthy teeth into a beautiful smile. They could file off the healthy teeth and cap them, for thousands of dollars cost. They said I would then have a beautiful smile!!

What?? $ Thousands?


Yes, Thousands of dollars for cosmetic repair.

Something felt wrong.

I had waited a lifetime thinking I had poor teeth.

I Thanked God

Now, I thanked God that they were healthy.

I didn’t have the money for such expensive work, but even if I had, it simply seemed wrong to destroy healthy teeth and cosmetically “fix” them at such expense.

In fact, I had never spent such money on myself in my life.

I was a Christian who tried to use every dollar God provided as a good steward.

I had much to pray about that week.

However, God’s glorious timing is always perfect.


That same week, I heard at church of an orphanage in Tanzania that our church was helping. Sponsoring an orphan would pay for his schooling and all of his needs for a year. It was about $600.00.

Funny, that was exactly what I had originally allotted for my front teeth!

I watched the video of the orphans that our pastor had filmed.

God nudged me.

Somehow, it all felt right.


I knew MY orphan was there among the children in the film.

Perhaps, he was the little boy who had the most beautiful smile, you’ve ever seen.

I knew exactly what God wanted me to do.

And, suddenly, I find that I can’t stop smiling.

I see myself in the bathroom mirror and I am smiling with all of my heart and soul.


At long last, I have found my smile

and, I am smiling joyfully with it,

using all my gloriously healthy, very funny-looking teeth.





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