When Homeless Men PrayedClick For Audio Version

He shall regard the prayer of the destitute,
And shall not despise their prayer.  Psalms 102:17 KNJV

When Homeless Men Prayed

Ray (name has been changed) was a needy middle aged man who I had met during our years of ministering to the homeless. He was polite and kindly natured when we chatted each week. He often stood near an area of benches where I would hold prayer gatherings. He contributed in the general conversation and kept others engaged in speaking up about their prayer requests.

One week as I asked for requests, several merely commented that they were “good” or had “no problems today.”

I paused, debated, and finally said, “Well, I could use Your prayers today.” I then shared that one of my 6 kids had brain cancer and needed surgery. You could have heard a pin drop.

Then, one by one, the homeless each expressed their concern, asked questions, and prayed for us. Ray asked me for my son’s first name and I watched him scrawl it on a scrap of paper and put it in his pocket.

Weeks passed. I was busy with my son’s situation and didn’t see Ray.

One day, when I was finally back at the park and with the homeless, Ray spotted me. He ran over and asked how my son, Luke, was doing.

“I can’t believe you remembered his name,” I began.

“Of course,” Ray stated, “I pray for him every day. His name is in my pocket.”

At this, he pulled the scrap of paper from his pocket, and waved it at the large crowd of homeless gathered there that day.“Who do we pray for?” Ray shouted at the crowd.

“L U K E !!!” came as a single roar.

Then came individual voices. “How is he?” said one.

“I pray for him every day,” said another.

“I haven’t missed a day,” a third chimed in.

The voices came from here and there all over that field.

“The Lord is in control.”

“God has this!” “You give Luke our love!”

“Ray never lets us forget to pray!”

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