whatsoever things are pure15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. Titus 1:15-16 NIV

The Pure

Ever meet someone who always sees the good in everything? No matter how bleak the situation, how discouraging the day, they stay positive. They point out the one funny thing that happened that day or the one thing that brought a smile. Finding whatsoever things are pure and good, they hold them up to enjoy. They will show you the same.

The Positive Side

Truly, they always find the positive side of things. They find the scarlet leaf in the midst of raking the dead autumn leaves. They find a beautiful quote where others are relaying the sordid lines of a newly released song. You look at such a person and wonder at their ability to find the good and wholesome and pure in the midst of life.

If you have such a person in the office, or better yet, in the family, embrace their attitude.

Emulate their way of looking at things.

Learn of Jesus

In fact, you might go to the root of the matter and learn their faith in Jesus, for there, no doubt is the answer to their attitude.

Paul, in our passage today, tells us that the pure see all things as pure but those who are evil will see everything as evil. We go into this life and either see things as Jesus does or we see things as the world sees them. There is a huge difference.

What We Feed Our Minds and Hearts

The evil man, following the devil and the world instead of the Lord God, will have both his mind and conscience corrupted. We become what we feed our minds. Keeping our minds on the things of the world, reading and viewing those things that are vile, make us the same.

Out of the heart flows the good or evil stored there.

In Luke 6:45 KJV we read Jesus’ words: “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”

Good or Evil

Out of that which is in your heart will you speak. Evil in brings evil out. Good in brings good out.

Christ within brings the good.

Eyes On Jesus

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,” says Paul in Hebrews 12:2a.

With Christ within our way of looking at life and our way of speaking become pure.

The Corrupted

However, what happens to those mentioned earlier whose minds and consciences are corrupted? They might say that they are believers in Jesus. Often, they will recount how Grandpa went to church and they were dedicated at two weeks old. But, where are their hearts?

Are they in love with God and His values?

Have they asked Jesus to dwell within?

Are they obeying and following Him in all things?

Do they ask what the Lord wants them to do in each situation they face?

Only A Claim

Do they want to bring God joy more than anything in this world? So often their claim to know God is only a claim.

Their actions deny Him in everything they choose to do.

Their actions deny Him in their lives.

Paul calls them detestable, disobedient, and unfit for doing anything good.

Frightening Words

Those are frightening words. Sad beyond expression and all too true of the majority of people today. They might profess to know Jesus, but their hearts are only out to serve themselves. Not only will they not do good, but they are also deemed unfit to do anything good.

Fall On Our Knees

May we fall on our knees, and beg God to forgive us and bring us into a right relationship with Him through Christ.

May we ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit in us to help us live in a way that is pleasing to God and is a testimony for Christ.

As we turn to be filled with good instead of evil, we then serve God.

Walking Close to Jesus

May we witness to others about the Christ Who saves us and may we walk closely to Him always.

May we see whatsoever things are pure. We should desire to see as He wants us to see things, and speak and do all things in purity and love.

Let it be so of us all, Lord. Let it be so.


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