love covers sin

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Love for each other is the key that opens hearts.

Jesus, we recall, tells us that having love for God and love for others are the two most important commandments.

8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 NKJV 


Peter writes here that above all things in this world, having love for God and each other is most important.

Peter reminds us that such love will cover over the sins that others do against us. There is a world of wisdom in this short verse.


Someone, perhaps, sabotages our work to get ahead in the office. They might tell lies about us to make themselves appear better. Their words might wound our spirit with the everyday petty barbs thrown at us.

Seldom does a  person not experience something like this at some point in their lives.


In all these circumstances, those who react with love instead of anger are the victors in life.

Such actions, in a very fractional way, emulate Christ and His response to those who nailed Him to a cross.


Thus, our verse here today tells us that above all things, above our knowledge, our experience, our work, our intelligence, above it all we should have and show love.

Love that reaches out to another and loves them deeply and unselfishly moves the world.

The coldest heart might be touched by open kindness and generous love.

A smile from a stranger has brightened my own day many times.

The knowing look of love for their children passing between two mothers of toddlers in a  store brings joy to both.

A simple word of encouragement, a sincere gesture of praise, or a small kindness might pour life into another world-weary soul.


The love spoken of in this verse is, perhaps, deeper. It reminds us that love that forgives and covers over the thoughtless acts against us is healing, forgiving love.

Love that comes from hearts that have Christ and His Love in them, is the love that changes the world.

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