what is the fear of the Lord?

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And to man He said,
‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understanding.’ ” Job 28:28 NIV

The Bible often refers to the fear of the Lord. What is the fear of the Lord exactly?

In Awe of God

To fear God means to be in awe of Him. To hold God in reverent respect and to deeply love Him is part of the meaning of fear. It means to realize that this all-powerful and yet all-holy Creator is to be obeyed in utmost admiration.

To Be Wise

What is the fear of the Lord? The verse here goes on to say that fearing God means that we are wise.

We realize that God has all authority and wisdom, all knowledge and might.

To be arrogant before our Creator is utter foolishness. To be humble before the One Who created us and gave us all things is wisdom.

Walk Humbly

What is the fear of the Lord? It is to walk humbly before the only true God Who is also our Father. It is knowing that He alone can guide and teach us by His ordinances and rules as no one and nothing else can.

Listen More Clearly

The fear of the Lord enables us to listen more clearly and to apply that still, small voice of God within us to our daily life.

It makes life purposeful and filled with wisdom that man cannot provide.

Departing from Evil

What is the fear of the Lord? It is departing from evil for the fleeing away from evil is wise and filled with understanding.

Those who run headlong into selfish, evil living are dangerously turning away from the precepts of God. Following God’s commands will bring spiritual as well as physical health and life to those who obey Him.

Drawing Closer to God

Following the commands of love that God lays before us are paths to joy and closer communion with God Himself.

To do anything other than that which will draw us closer to God is wrong.

When we think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, we become foolish beyond comprehension.

To stand before God and realize that we should rightly fear and love Him is indeed the way of wisdom and understanding.

May we all fear, love, and follow God.

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