Walking by Faith

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When we walk, we like to see where we are going. Unlit stairways, dark passages, and snuffed candles make us nervous.

Walking by faith or fear is always a choice.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV


Scripture tells us that our walk through life’s journey must be abundant with faith.  We are to rely upon God and trust His faithfulness.


I have poor night vision. Some call it night blindness. Despite surgeries, it remains beyond repair. In the darkness, I feel my way or fumble. Someone I know and trust might walk beside me. That helps.

Likewise, in life, we might not always be able to see what lies ahead. The future might seem frightening.


When we remember that Christ walks with us, we walk out with more assurance, even when we ourselves cannot see the way.

Faith in Christ makes the difference. Walking with faith in Him assures a safer passage than walking by the finest vision.

He knows the path and the obstacles, the future joys, and sorrows we will face. Clinging to Him, we have help in the struggle and glory at the journey’s end.

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