Use me Still

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As we grow older we cry, “Use me still, Oh Lord.”All the days of our life we seek to do what God asks of us. When we grow old this does not change. We still want to be used of God.

The following quote from Psalms expresses that desire so clearly.

“Thus I will bless You while I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.” Psalms 63:4 NKJV

While we live we will bless You. We want to praise Him and we want to be useful in His kingdom. However, at times as we age we feel that our time has passed. But has it ?! Can the God of all creation not use us still?

The following piece by Carol Fleming expresses that human desire so clearly.



I’m still here, Lord.

I sit here, Lord, where once I stood.

Hands wrinkled and folded that once were young and strong.

Eyes faded now, that once were clear.


Use me still, Lord.

Use me still.


Your Spirit within still empowers.

Your Hand still guides.

Your Joy still quickens.

Your Hope still flows within my heart.


Let, O let, Your Love pour through this soul to touch others for You,

until I come to my Eternal Home.



From our heart comes that eternal desire to serve to the very end.  To cry,” Lord, use me still!”

You can not love God and not want to serve Him up to the day you go to be with Him.

I think of John the Apostle on the isle of Patmos. He was the last of the Apostles, in his nineties, and exiled to a small island. Yet God gave him the privilege of writing the Revelation of Jesus. God let him be the first to see a clear vision of the Lord’s return.





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