things to do when we retireRetirement

Do you have a list of things to do when you retire? I bet that you have thought of it. Like most people, you have great ideas about how to spend your retirement years. After working hard for many years, you will be free to do just what you want.

Have you ever thought that as a Christian, you don’t ever retire? Instead, Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and make disciples. He did not say until we were 65 or whatever age.

Scripture tells us that we will bear fruit in our old age. Moses was 80 when God called him. Yet, He gave him the strength to face Pharoah in Egypt and led God’s people for 40 more years.

I love this Psalm as it describes how God will deal with us if we let Him.

14They shall still bear fruit in old age;
They shall be fresh and flourishing,
15 To declare that the Lord is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. Psalms 92:14-15 NKJV

Apostles and John

John and the other Apostles may not have had a list of “things to do when you retire,” but they could stay busy. He was still preaching in His old age, and in these last years, He gave John the Revelation.

I am almost 80, and God gave me a ministry to His Church. He gave me a burden for those within the Church who only gave lip service to Him. My ministry is to call the Church to repentance and service.

Are you serving God now? What will change when you retire? Will you have less time to fulfill His command to reach the lost with the gospel message?

These are questions that you need to answer. Perhaps you are not yet ready to retire from the workforce. However, your calling from God does not change when you retire. You are still responsible for putting God first in your life.

God Frist

God will not be second place to anyone or anything. He created you for a purpose and He does expect you to do what He called you to do.

Sin is not doing what God called you to do. It is that simple. Jesus bought you with His blood; if you accept His salvation, you will show it.

How do you show it? You plan your life around doing His will daily and reaching out to the lost.

There are things to do when you retire!

Let’s get busy for the rest of our lives serving a God who loves. Let’s make Him proud of His children!

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