mercy and truth

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Scripture tells us we are to NEVER let two things leave us in life. Wow! Two things of which we should never let go? Are you as intrigued as I was? What are the two most important things that we need?

3 Let not mercy and truth forsake you;

Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart,
And so find favor and high esteem
In the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3:3-4 NKJV


The Bible states that mercy and truth must never leave us and are two vital things to hold in our hearts.

The NIV version of the Bible translates mercy today as love.

In other words, showing mercy is showing kindness in love to others.

It translates truth as faithfulness. It conveys the idea that being truthful, honest, and faithful in all we say and do are essential to our faith walk.


God Himself is Love (I John 4:8) and He unfailingly shows us His mercy and grace.

No one can thrive in an environment void of mercy and love. Merciful love is at the heart of our existence and is an essential element of God Whom we are to emulate.


He pours His Holy Spirit of love and mercy into us, in order for us to have Him within. His Spirit inside of us will guide and help us as we love and show mercy to others and as we live truthful lives that are faithful in all things.

Loving mercy and truthful faithfulness to God and to each other in our dealings are to be never forgotten. Life shows us that if we waver in our truth in word, we are no longer trustworthy.

No wonder Scripture tells us never to let go of mercy and truth but to keep them in our hearts and minds.

Our good name and favor will be assured by God and our fellowman as we hold to these life principles.

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