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There Was A Flag

There was a Flag that was loved as a symbol of freedom. However, it had to be defended in many battles over the past two hundred years. It represented a God-given hope for a land where men could freely worship God and build a life for their families.

From the beginning, men had to fight for this freedom. It was won with the blood of our forefathers.

There have been many wars to maintain that freedom. Over the years many men and women have paid with their lives to protect that Flag. Others have given arms, legs, eyes, and their physical and mental health for what they stood for.

The cost of the freedom has been high!

You, like me, may have lost friends or loved ones in the effort to protect that Flag. Yes, they gave their lives or parts of their bodies to protect those who could not or would not fight for themselves. Many of your friends and mine wore that Flag on their shoulders and hearts.

What is the Fourth of July to you?

Yes, it is a time to celebrate our Independence, but so much more. Do you feel gratitude to live under that Flag as I do?

Fireworks will never express what our independence means to me.

Our Flag is the symbol of what independence means to me.

So many now look down on that Flag. My heart is filled with rage when I see someone spit upon or burn that Flag. How can they do that and how can we allow them to dishonor what we shed so much blood to protect?

I do not understand how a citizen can be arrested for stopping someone from burning our flag. Why are people being accused of hate crimes when other flags are destroyed? Why is it not a crime when the Flag we fought for is burned or desecrated?

The Fourth of July should bring us together as a nation.

Our nation is not without faults. Like every other nation, we have done wrong. However, we have done more for the rest of the world than any other nation.

As we celebrate this Fourth of July let us remember the cost, past and present, for our freedom.

When we gather to eat and party let us take a moment to remember how much it costs. The men and women who took our Flag into battle were fighting for you and me.

This is a great nation. However, it may fail if we don’t stand together to overcome the evil we see taking over large sections of our country. We can replace the doctrine of hate with love and kindness toward others.

This Fourth of July let us pray for our country!

It is God who raises nations and takes them down. Join me in prayer that our country may return to God and away from the evil that is so blatant on our streets.

Our nation is in a moral decline that will destroy us if we fail to return to the principles upon which this nation was established. Wickedness from our streets to our capital is the worst I have seen in my eighty-some years.

We can start this Fourth. Perhaps our first step is to go to God’s Word and do what it advises.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says,   “ If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”



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