the walk

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13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. Isaiah 41:13 KJV

We, believers, have a glorious promise from our Father God that He will help us and hold our hand. Imagine, the God of the Universes holding on to YOUR hand and walking with you, keeping you safe! The walk that lasts a lifetime and changes your life is a precious gift from God.

The following true story happened when I was in my late teens, dramatically bringing to mind our verse.


A baby boy of about eighteen months toddled up the sidewalk toward us.

Cars flew by on the street beside him.

My two co-workers and I gasped our shock at seeing him there ALONE.

A fast glance in all directions told us there was no one in the immediate area to whom he belonged.

Where on earth had he come from?

The Baby Held My Hand

We approached him and I held out my hand. He reached for it and held on. We all walked on together.

We kept looking for his parents or a police car we could flag down.


Nothing but this unknown toddler now walking along with me. He was totally oblivious to the traffic inches away. He was trusting me, as though he knew holding on was all he had to do and it would all be fine.

The Grandfather

Then, from the throng up ahead, a grandfatherly, frantic man came bounding toward us, and just as suddenly, the little one was joyfully swept into arms that could claim him.

After grateful words, the baby was once again out of our lives, and my co-worker friends and I went on to lunch.

Holding God’s Hand

Ages have passed since then. That baby would be a middle-aged man by now.

I hadn’t thought of the incident in years and then someone mentioned something one day about our walk in faith as Christians, about trusting God as our Father and holding onto His Hand, and I thought of that baby boy.

We hold onto God’s Hand while all about us whisk all sorts of evil, problems, and fears.

We can go on walking confidently knowing He’s watching out for us. He watches in Love and holds us tightly, leading us, guiding us, knowing the path perfectly.

Like my little friend, of long ago, all we have to do is hold on tightly to God’s dear Hand..and it will all be fine…

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