the most beautiful sound

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For I am the Lord. I speak,  Ezekiel 12:25a NKJ


Down the street

and around the corner

lives one of my

much younger friends.

A year or more back,

when this young man

hit the ripe old age

of seven,

I heard

that he and his grandfather

were watching

some Canada geese

fly overhead.

Together they listened

to the haunting cry

of the geese.

“That is the most

beautiful sound in the world,”

the grandfather said to the boy.

“No,” came the emphatic reply.

Startled, the grandfather questioned,

“What is the most

beautiful sound, if not that?”

Without missing a beat,

my little friend answered,

“The most beautiful sound

in the world

is the Voice of God

talking to your heart.”

Out of the mouths of babes,

we might say,

or wonder if this child

will be the next Billy Graham.

Or maybe, just maybe,

someday we will

simply remember

the child’s answer —

and we too will


to the Voice

of God

in our hearts.——

speaking to each of us—-

for, as my little friend

already knew,—-

it is indeed,

the most beautiful sound

of all.







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