the Lord working with themClick For Audio Version

When was the Lord working with them, the disciples? When is He working with us, the believers of today?

20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.  Mark 16:20 NKJV


“The Lord working with them” is a powerful phrase. Notice it was expressed AFTER the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus not just before these events.

The Lord was helping them after He ascended back to God.

He works with us still.

As the disciples told others of Jesus, and as we do the same today, we do not go alone.

He is working with us and walking beside us.


Knowing that Jesus is not letting us go it alone in our struggles and in our day-to-day trials is monumental.

It encourages us as we battle for the Lord. We have His help, guidance, love, and power beside us throughout our endeavors in sharing the gospel with others. He gives us His protection and strength. We share Christ with the world with His Holy Spirit within us and with God’s power flowing through us.


No need to fear! We have the Lord working with us!! Amen!!


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