the law and the prophetsGod’s Challenge

God gave us the Law and the Prophets to help us understand what He expects of us. These Old Testament writings define what God calls sin or rebellion against Him. Therefore, studying and understanding each part of the Law is very important.

However, it would be easier for us if we realized that His Laws are good for us. We live happier and more productive lives when we follow God’s Laws.

More DO’s than DO NOT’s

Children and adults seem to think that the Bible is full of “do not’s” and don’t realize how often the Bible tells us to do something.

In one simple statement, Jesus tells us how to be happy and please God. 12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 NIV

The Law and the Prophets

God knows what we need, and He guides us in what will bring us and those around us happiness. However, you cannot ignore His Laws. He does hold us accountable for being obedient.

Jesus tells us that we can be obedient by treating others like we want them to treat us. If we do this, we will obey everything in the Law and the Prophets.

Can it get any easier?

God tells us that we cannot lie, steal, kill or commit adultery. We will not do these things if we follow the simple rule: do to others what you would have them do to you.

How much better would all of our lives be if we followed this simple scripture?

The Law and the Prophets are excellent schoolmasters to teach us what God expects of us. They are not to be set aside but studied to draw us closer to God.

You must make a decision

You will have to decide to live your life by this rule. But unfortunately, it will not come naturally because we are a little self-centered.

Throughout the day, you must keep this idea in your mind. It will change your life for the better.

You will also please God and those you meet.

Do unto others as you would have them do to you!


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