the joy of your Lord

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Enter Into the Joy of your Lord

His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’  Matthew 25:21 NKJV

The familiar parable of Jesus reminds us to serve God faithfully and we will be rewarded. I have always loved the expression to “enter into the joy of your Lord.”

When we obey His commands fully, no matter the struggles surrounding the situation, we enter into a time of full joy.

The completion of His Will,  following in the steps He has laid out for us, brings joy.

Perhaps to you this sounds overly simplistic.

I can only tell you that there was a time in my life when I waited for decades and finally believed that there was a clear-cut path before me.

I later learned that path, which I thought would be ideal for me, had one or two imperfect details.

One or two details that were not in the perfect will of God.

I  could not, would not, compromise on the issues.

I realized God was asking me to OBEY FULLY in ALL His ways and that meant turning from the way I thought was for me.

So, I stopped.

With God’s Help, I walked away from that path.

I waited on God.

Another few years passed.

And then, the answer and the time was right.

The path was utterly right, completely right for me, and most importantly, in alignment with the Will of God and in keeping with His Laws.

I knew it.

I felt it.

It matched up with all of God’s ordinances and commands, laws, and statutes.

The still, small voice in my heart was giving me assurance.

There was peace and quiet certainty from God, unlike anything I had known before.

There are times that I wonder about the terrible consequences that other paths would have brought.

I can’t thank God enough for guiding me and encouraging me to fully follow Him.

Entering into the path THAT HE ADVISES, is the path that ultimately leads us into THE JOY OF OUR LORD.

JOY opens before us, here on earth, and some sweet day, in Heaven itself.

Only obey.

Only fully follow.

Fully serve faithfully.

Shun all other paths.

The JOY OF THE LORD awaits you too.

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