the first gleam of dawn

18 The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
    which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.
19 But the way of the wicked is like total darkness.
    They have no idea what they are stumbling over. Proverbs 4:18-19 NLT

First Gleam

Few earthly things inspire universally as much as the first gleam of dawn.

The one upon a bed of sickness, finds that it brings the relief of morning.

To one imprisoned looking out upon a new day, it brings hope.

To the hopeless, it brings encouragement.

Begin Again

It is a call to begin again.

God is with us, blessing us with another beginning.

The Way of the Righteous

It is beautiful that the first gleam of dawn is likened to the way of the righteous.

While it is true that no one is righteous but God, those who choose to follow and obey God are growing more like His Son daily.

These Christ followers then are called the righteous.

They are likened to that first gleam of dawn after a dark and perhaps, troubling or pain-wracked night of darkness.

Holding Hope and Joy

The darkness of their souls have been brought to experience the light of Christ and now they too hold the light of hope and joy.

Not only are these believers like the first gleam of dawn to others, but that first gleam will shine ever brighter as they continue to follow and obey Christ.

Growing More Like Jesus

The day will come when they reflect the full light of day as they grow more and more Christ-like.

The day we are called Home to Heaven we will stand in the Presence of Jesus and be like Him.

Until then we grow daily, step by step, into His example and likeness.

The Opposite in the Wicked

Just the opposite is the experience of the wicked who dwell in total darkness.

If you have ever stood in a totally dark room or cave you have experienced this.

One can see absolutely nothing. The way is unseen. We can’t see what is right in front of us. At best, we fumble and shuffle along while stumbling over all obstacles. No headway is made easily. We grope and lose all sense of direction.

Stumbling in Sin

Such is the way of the wicked living in the full darkness of sin. They truly have no idea what they are stumbling over and will continue to stumble over through their lives of sinfulness.

Their lives hold only evil desire, selfishness, dishonesty, and violence.

The Choice is Yours

The choice is yours since God gives us all free choice.

There seems to be only one logical, wise, prudent, and yes, only one joyful way for you to choose.

That is the choice to be a follower of Christ and live in the Light.

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