the testimony of the apostle

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11 To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. 12 And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; 13 being defamed, we [a]entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now. 1 Corinthians 4:11-13 NKJV

Followers of Christ

Our verses for today are the powerful testimony of the Apostle Paul.

It could be said that every phrase mentioned was his personal experience.

He wants us aware that as true followers of Christ, we too will experience these things.

Joys and Persecutions

Perhaps many, perhaps a few, perhaps only one or two of these difficulties will come to us. However, either way, we must be prepared and willing to follow Christ despite the roughness of the journey.

The joy far outweighs the pain.

Receiving Christ brings salvation, forgiveness for confessed sins from God through Christ, and eternal life with God.

It means having a meaningful life on earth with purpose.

It means we can ask for the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit as our Guide and Comforter.

We will have the fellowship of Christ’s Presence with us always.

These name but a few of our joys.

Yet, persecution would follow the true believer.

Jesus knew this.

Paul knew this.

All true followers of Christ know this.

May we each know this too and embrace what comes of both the joy and the persecution.

The Job Description

Let us look at the job description. It was not only a description you remember, but the testimony of the Apostle Paul.

In Paul’s day as now, Christians often suffer for their faith.

Groups from other faiths often do more than simply cast a disparaging glance at the believer.

Often there are cruel remarks, physical assaults, and economic trials due to our stand.

Friends might turn away. Our employment might disappear due to our disapproval rating.

True Believers

Paul and other early Christians knew what it was like to serve Christ and yet be hungry and thirsty at the end of the day.

Clothing grew ragged without money to purchase more.

Often Christians, then and now, are beaten and turned from their homes when they profess Christ Jesus as their Savior.

I met a homeless woman a few years back who lost her home and family’s acceptance when she became a Christian.

In fact, her life was in constant danger due to her belief in Jesus. We are not speaking of Paul’s day, but the present time.


Paul tells us that they worked with their own hands, not expecting a handout while serving Christ. Yet, they were still reviled and spoken against.

Perhaps, we too will have others speak against us when we stand for righteousness and truth in Christ.

Blessings and Love to the Persecutor

Paul then blessed those who spoke against him. They defamed him, yet he entreated them to receive Christ.

He taught them in love regardless of their treatment of him. This was the testimony of the apostle Paul and should be ours as well.

He acknowledged that he was treated as if he was filth. Paul was looked upon as though he was nothing. To the unbeliever, Paul was of no value. Paul, who was once well respected as a well-educated, wealthy man was now looked upon as garbage.

Christ is the Only Answer

Yet, he continued to teach and love because he knew that Christ was the only answer.

Paul, like Christ, cared more for the eternal salvation of the persecutors than for what those persecutors did to him.

We are to believe and act the same.

Let that thought permeate our beings.

The persecution continued long and hard for Paul and it might very well for us also.

Persecution of Christians Around the World

There are countless countries around the world where Christians are persecuted daily. We have lived with relative ease in the States, but it doesn’t mean that the day will not come when we have to stand courageously for our faith. There may be many, many difficulties and persecutions leveled at us.

Paul said he endured despite the persecutions.

With God’s help, we can endure as well, despite the sorrow and torture that might be inflicted upon us for our faith.

Care More

Paul cared more for the eternal salvation of his persecutors than he did for his own life.

Why? Because he realized that Jesus was the way to the Father.

He knew that Christ was God’s gift to this world of sinners, then and now.

Without Christ the Destination is Hell

Paul knew that without Christ, we would all go to hell for our unforgiven sins when we died.

Paul knew that the punishment for our sins was death and hell.

He knew it was Christ alone Who would die in our place.

Likewise, Paul realized that when we believed and confessed that Jesus was the Risen Son of God and asked Him into our lives, all things changed.

He understood that asking God for the forgiveness of our confessed sins through Christ would bring full forgiveness and eternal life with God.

Eternal More Important than Temporal

Paul grasped that the eternal was more important than the temporal needs of our earthly lives.

Paul put his life on the line daily because he knew that Christ and what He gives was more important than his daily life.

It is more important than ours.


But what about you?

Has your faith cost you anything? Do you stand for God amidst persecutions, beatings, and tribulations for your faith?

Are you willing to pay whatever that cost might be for you personally?

Who Do You Love Most?

Do you love Jesus more than you love your friends?

Do you love prestige and popularity among your peers more than standing for truth?

Is Jesus Christ worth more than everything else to you?

What if you have to choose between your girlfriend, your job, your money, your popularity or Christ?

Which will you choose?

Only You Can Answer This

Only you can answer.

However, it cannot be answered half-heartedly.

This answer must come with all you do, all you possess, and all of your being, life, soul, and spirit.

Christ has to be more valuable to you than anything else this world holds.

There Is No Second Place

Because if He is only second place, or if He is somewhere on the end of your list, He is nothing to you at all.

What is YOUR answer?

Do You Love Him?

Do you love Him, as He loves you?



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