Teach me LordClick For Audio Version

Teach me Lord I pray!

“Lord, teach us to pray,”  Luke 11:1b NIV

You, O Lord, are my loving Savior. It is You who made me and You who gives me reason to live. Prayers I offer to you from a sincere and loving heart. Always I humble myself before You, my Lord and King.

I thank You for teaching me, Lord, the ways of Our Father God. His ways are always holy and true. I am so sorry that at times I turn to my own ways. Forgive me when I falsely claim my ways as righteous and make gods of earthly things.

The world around me is constantly shouting that their way is right. All is turned upside down. Your way of truth is ignored.  At times I am like a lost sheep when I do not listen to Your Word. Teach me, Lord!

Holy Spirit, convict me when I drift away from God’s Truths. Call me to repentance and restore me to Your Holy Way. Show me daily in Your Word what I should do that is pleasing to You.

Lord let me not shame You by my worldly actions. Fill my heart with true repentance. Bring me to my knees or cast me on my face in shame. Restore me to Your service. Make me always teachable.

You, Lord God, are righteous and there is no other. Teach me, Lord! I look to the day when I can stand before Your Throne in all its glory. I stand only by Your  Righteousness, Lord Jesus.


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