stand firm in your faith

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“If you do not stand firm in your faith,
    you will not stand at all.” Isaiah 7:9b NIV

Where Are You Standing?

The Bible tells you to stand firm in your faith.

Why not be honest with yourself today?

Where do you really stand? Do you think that you are a staunch member of a political party? Are you a proud member of a civic organization? Are you a team member at work? Have you joined a book club or a bowling league?

We align ourselves with many things in this life. Many of our time-consuming activities are not worth much in the overall scheme of things.

Are You Standing At All?

Our passage says that you are to stand firm in your faith. This is the one thing that you can do that has merit and value and lasts for eternity.  Sometimes, you can stand for your faith with a few well-spoken words. You stand for what is right while others are speaking of evil in this world.

Speaking Out and Sharing Jesus

You get the chance daily in the workplace or in school or in the store where you shop to share Jesus directly and indirectly.

You stand for your faith every time you go out of your way to right a wrong.

There are opportunities to speak up for the right and to encourage that person who is vulnerable and unable to defend himself.

Do you hear the name of Jesus Christ used as a sware word and speak out that He is your Savior, or do you let the moment pass?

Do you care more about your own personal popularity than you care about standing firm in your faith?

Stand or Fall

God tells us something interesting through Isaiah and this verse.

He tells you that if you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.

Someone not standing will sit and not be seen or heard.

Eventually, he will fall and not rise to the occasion again.

We fall and fail to stand up for our faith and live for Christ.

We fail at being a follower of Christ.

Now Ask Yourself

Have you done the same?

Are you standing for your beliefs or going with the crowd?

Have you shared your faith in Jesus with another this week? This year? Ever?

If the crowd has your alliance instead of Christ, then you are not standing for anything at all.

Read that again.

If The Crowd Has Your Alliance Instead Of Christ, Then You Are Not Standing For Anything At All.

Your values and thoughts will go the way of the sinful multitude.

You will not really be a Christ follower and one who obeys God at all. You simply fall into the ways of the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Instead, Take A Stand For Jesus!

Instead, of standing for the things of this world, take a stand for Jesus.

Uphold the teachings God has given you through His Son and through God’s Word.

Read God’s Word and live by it.

Ask Jesus into your life as your Savior and follow and obey Him in All things.

Ask God to forgive your sins through Jesus and then ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit.

With His Spirit within, you will have a Comforter and Guide.

God Will Give You The Grace You Need To Live For Him, And To Stand Firm In Your Faith

Read that again and realize it is meant for you today.

God will give you the grace you need to live for Him, and to Stand Firm in YOUR Faith.

It is time for YOU to STAND!