rich in faith

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Rich in Faith

The greatest riches of all are to be rich in faith.

Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? James 2:5 NKJV


Ministering to the homeless community weekly for many years, brought me into the company of many people of very strong faith. One day a gentleman on the street, believing that I too was homeless, offered me one of his two donuts. He had just received them from a church van distributing food. That gesture touched me deeply and never left me.

I have viewed deep faith, sincerely prayed prayers, and stories of God’s help, from those that the world viewed as the neediest of the population.


Jesus Himself walked the earth with little, yet no one in the history of the universes has given so much to so many.

We see again and again that God views wealth by a different scale than the world does. Men measure wealth in houses, bank accounts, and cars. God measures wealth in spiritual strength, faith, love, sharing, caring, and fellowship with Him.

God makes believers heirs of His kingdom. Being rich in faith as a child of God is a richness of spirit and joy beyond price. The closeness of God in fellowship, the communion of Christ, and the guidance and indwelling of the Holy Spirit fills our lives with joy and meaning. Serving God brings purpose to life here on earth. Sharing Jesus with others brings a joy that simply has no words to describe. Knowing God brings riches that the earth has no idea exist.

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