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He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.  Matthew 28:6 KJV

My Neighbor

Seeing him sitting there all alone, hit me with an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach.

We had been so happy a second before and seeing him made the feeling of joy grind to a halt,

as though I felt guilty for our happiness.

Easter Morning

It was Easter morning joy. The services were over. We had returned from church.

The kids had hunted for eggs in the lawn and were admiring their soon-to-be nibbled chocolate rabbits.

I had promised them the first picking of our spring garden included with lunch and had hurried to the garden, only to see my neighbor.

Alone with Cancer

My neighbor with only months to live. My neighbor with terminal cancer.

There he sat in his adjoining garden, all alone on Easter.

And then, before he saw me, I heard it.

“I’ll Rise Again”

Clutching his small radio, he listened with a smile on his face while the music soared through “I’ll Rise Again”.

I listened, unnoticed.

The words went straight to my soul.

“I’ll rise again. Ain’t no power on earth can keep me down.

Yes, I’ll rise again. Death can’t keep me in the ground.”

The joy of resurrection tore through me.

Blinded by tears, I stooped to gather the first offering of spring’s life for our meal.

New Life

New garden, new life, new hope …all for us…and for us all.

Never had Easter been more real.

Death WAS conquered.

Jesus HAD risen.

He HAS conquered death

and given forgiveness

and life

to the healthy, beautiful children hunting for eggs


for the dying dear, elderly man on the other side of the garden,

and for me,

standing somewhere in between.

Lord, how we love you !!!!!!!!


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