remember and rejoice

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I hope you rise each day with gratitude in your heart and face the day thus armed. Remember all God has done for you and rejoice.

Gratitude is vitally important for our life and health, yet far too many of us, far too much of the time, grumble and gripe our way into and through each day.

We count the things going wrong and not the things that are pure blessings.

I read once that if 10 people speak to you about your blouse or shirt and 9 are favorable you will dismiss those kind remarks. Yet the one that says, “You know that really isn’t your color,” stings your soul and is remembered. It has done its bitter work and perhaps you will think of that remark each time you see another blouse or shirt of that color. Hopefully, you are not as sensitive as I.

The moral is to focus on the positive.

There are certainly many, many, many blessings that the Lord has rained upon us.

Into our life, there are glorious blessings.

We have air in our lungs, sun overhead, warmth and food and most have a shelter of some kind. We have good health, a God of healing and help if we have poor health, family and friends. Sometimes, we are a bit low in one category or another, but always, we have a Father God as the most glorious Father, Physician, Encourager, and Friend we could ever want.

Thus, our verse:

Deuteronomy 26:11 NKJV   So you shall rejoice in every good thing which the Lord your God has given to you and your house…

May we and all of our household of family and friends rejoice in the good things that God has given us.

Now, what about God?

What do we do that brings joy to HIS HEART?

Have you ever considered that no one very often thinks about wanting to bring God the happiness and joy that He brings to us.

We pray, beg, ask, plead, cajole, and pray some more to get our wishes from God.

Yet, what about Him?

What brings God pleasure and causes His rejoicing?

The Bible tells us, a few chapters away from our earlier verse. It is us, the people of God, who are His portion.

Remember at this point in the history of the Israelite people, God has portioned out the land for each of the tribes and given them the Promised Land. The tribe of Levi, however, is very special. They are not given land as their inheritance. Instead, they are given GOD HIMSELF as their portion. See Joshua 13:33.

What a glorious inheritance!!

It is what I want.

I want no earthly things. I want more and more of the Lord Himself in my life and heart. Don’t you?

And hand in hand with this, don’t you want to bring God joy for all that He has given you?

Read on.

Deuteronomy 32:9 NKJV  For the Lord’s portion is His people;
Jacob is the place of His inheritance.

What brings God joy?

What does God want?

In Micah 6:8 we are told that God wants us “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God…” That is what God wants. A humble, obedient person who believes in Him, and loves and obeys His God.

It is His people obeying and loving Him.

They keep His commandments and follow and love Him.

In doing so, God feels their love and they are truly HIS PEOPLE. It is these, His People who are HIS PORTION.

There is nothing on this earth that brings more meaning to your life than to know that YOU have so LIVED that YOU brought JOY to GOD HIMSELF!

YOU are all that GOD WANTS to make HIM HAPPY.



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