put on love12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. 14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Colosians 3:12-15 NKJV

What To Put On?

God tells us through this passage of Paul’s that there are things that we Christians are to “put on.” You are to put on these things so that your hearts are clothed with them. The most important on this most special of lists is to put on love.

Let us look first however at the many other things that we are asked to put into our hearts and out into the world when we deal with others. We are herein called the elect of God. Paul says that we are both holy and beloved by God. As such, and as believers and followers of Christ, His Son, we are to put on tender mercies.

Tender Mercies

In other words, you are to be kindhearted toward all the people you encounter. Compassion is an important quality of mercy. Treat each other gently as you don’t know all that the person in front of us is enduring.


We are to show kindness. Be gentle and thoughtful. Be the one who helps his neighbor and goes the second mile.


We are to be humble in our dealings with others. No attitude of superiority and arrogance should ever be found among believers.


In addition, you and I are to be meek as Christ Himself was. He showed nothing but lowliness. Of anyone who ever lived, Christ Jesus had more right to be proud and act superior, yet He never did. He did NOT call down legions of angels to wage war on those crucifying Him. No fire and brimstone were called down upon those who opposed Him. Instead, He forgave those who tortured Him and died so that all sinners might have the opportunity to seek forgiveness through Him.

What an attitude to emulate!


We are to be longsuffering as He was. Too often we tend to complain and deal harshly with those who require our patience. Longsuffering is something we chafe under. Take on the longsuffering that we are required. Bear the each other. Another way of expressing this might be to put up with each other. Put up with each other when we are tired of the abuse, weary of the work, desperate for a rest. Don’t quit. Bear with each other.


Forgiving one another.

Christ gives an unforgettable example of asking God His Father to forgive those who have nailed Him to the cross and are mocking Him while He dies. There is not a better, more profound, more powerful example of forgiveness than this.

In fact, if anyone has a complaint against another, we are to remember that Christ forgave us and likewise, we are to forgive those who have hurt us.

Most importantly, Put On Love

In conclusion, this list ends with the fact that over all of these wonderful things that you are to do that represent Christ as His follower, you are to do the greatest of them all.

You love.

You put on love like a coat and walk about in it.

All those around you see and feel the love you show.

In addition, you absolutely glow with the love of Jesus. He sees that you are clothed in His love.

You stand out in it.

Love flows abundantly from your heart.

You love encouragingly.

Love is in all of your words and in all of your actions.

Therefore, wherever you go, be clothed in love.

In all circumstances, you are filled with the love of Christ.

Let all be aware that here walks a man of God, a believer in Jesus, one who carries the love of Christ with him and in him.

Therefore, you have put on love.

Totally wrap yourself in Christ’s love, be fully submerged, fully an ambassador of His Love.

Such love attire is the bond of perfection.

Let Peace Rule in Your Heart

Lastly, with such love upon you, let the peace of God rule in your heart. As a believer, you are a part of this body of believers.

Be Thankful

Be thankful for this! We are HIS! We are a part of His Body.

No other joy reaches this level!

Nothing is more glorious than this!

We are His and we now represent Him in this world.

Until we go to be with Him in Heaven, we have this glorious job to do here for Him.

Be thankful for this!

Carry into the world a heart of tender mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forgiveness, peace, thankfulness, and most importantly, love.

You are at the starting line of a tremendous journey!

Put on Love and begin.



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