prosperity by the Book

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Prosperity By The Book

Prosperity by the Book is a guide to finding true prosperity and success in your life. Too often, when we think of these two items, we are thinking about money or material things, which are also important.

However, you can fall into a fatal trap. If making money and gaining houses, cars, and other temporary objects is your goal, you will be miserable.

Joshua tells us a way to find real success. He says in Josh. 1:8 NIV, Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night to be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Keep the Book of the Law

When you pursue the things of the world, you often forget the Book. Not keeping the Law of God has caused many to fail.

The Book of the Law in your mind and heart will give you a new understanding of how to do things in a way that helps others.

Meditate on it

You can’t just read the Book and understand the Laws of God. You have to meditate on them and pray about them. Then make sure that you don’t hurt anyone to make money.

Do everything written in it

After meditating on the Book, you must follow through by doing what the prophet wrote in the Book. Reading it or even believing it will not make you prosperous. What will make you prosper is reading, meditating, and doing what God commands.

Then you will find true prosperity through the book

You will find success and prosperity if you do the three things mentioned above. However, if you do them, you may find that what you want will change.

It will undoubtedly change the way you deal with people.

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