praise of men42 Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.  John 12:42-43 NKJV


Two points come immediately to my mind as I read this passage. Perhaps they have come to your thoughts first as well.

Namely, there were others who believed in Jesus but who did not confess Him. In their time in history, though they were rulers and Pharisees, they were fearful of being put out of the synagogue if they professed to believe in Jesus as the Son of God.


In our time in history, today, we might be afraid to profess Jesus as the Risen Son of God and follow and obey Him wholeheartedly as well due to peer pressure. We might feel that living for Christ with total commitment might cost us our place in society. Our friends might think that we are too extreme by weighing every decision on the values of God upheld by Jesus His Son. Maybe our friends will turn away? Might we lose that popular standing among others that we so desperately value?


Secondly, those long-ago rulers and Pharisees LOVED the praise of men more than the praise of God. Doesn’t our situation reflect that exact same thing when we value our friends’ opinions of us over God’s opinion of us?

He knows our level of belief and trust. He knows when we choose another’s praise over hearing Him one day say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant…”

Instead, we choose the applause of the crowd, the roar of approval, the popular clique, and the praise of men instead of the praise of God.


Where did it get the rulers and Pharisees? They did NOT confess Jesus. They might not have been put out of the synagogue, but they chose to be put out of Heaven. Definitely, they had obtained the praise of men on earth, but no voice of welcome from Heaven when they left this earth in death.

Will we really choose the same end?

We have heard the truth from Jesus Himself.


The Scriptures are there for us in the Holy Bible to read.

Full salvation can be ours if we believe in Jesus and confess that belief.

Asking Him into our lives as Savior means that we repent of our sins and turn from them to obey and follow Christ Jesus from now on.


It means we can then ask God to forgive our sins through His Son’s sacrifice for us.

The Holy Spirit can be asked into our lives to guide and direct us in our walk with Christ.

We are assured of eternal life and a home with God in Heaven.

The full abundant joy that Jesus promised despite life circumstances is ours for the asking.

Yet, many choose the fleeting praise of the uncaring crowd around us instead of the praise of our loving God and Father.


What is your choice? Will you choose the praise of men or the praise of God?

It is too late for those rulers and Pharisees.

It is still not too late for you.

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