patricia ann

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Yea, thou shalt see thy children’s children…  Psalms 128:6a KJV

Children’s children are the crown of old men,
And the glory of children is their father.  Proverbs 17:6 KJV

God blesses us abundantly with the birth of each of our children and grandchildren.

Each one is a unique gift from His Hand to our Hearts.

Thank You, Lord for these gifts of Your Love.

I share with you here one very special moment of my grandmotherhood.

Patricia Ann

You danced to me,

illumined by autumn’s golden mist,

over shimmering leaves on

four-year-old, elfin limbs

into my arms.

Fair hair wisped about your shoulders

in cobweb strands

of light.

“Dance with me, Grandma,”

you laughed,

and together we danced.

Your laughter shattered my sorrow

before they both flew

into the wind.

I fancy the notes

of that laughter


somewhere still.

Someday, you will have grown older,

and I old.

You may not remember this day,

I will never forget.

Child of my child,

there will be a place

in my soul,

where you are ever

fairylike and four

and dancing to me,

and I am ever

gathering you

into my arms–

and into my heart.


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