god will hear

Therefore I will look to the Lord;
I will wait for the God of my salvation;
My God will hear me. Micah 7:7 NKJV

Do You Believe?

Do you believe that God will hear you?  Are you going to Him for direction and help with all your situations and life questions?

When we believe, follow, and obey God and His Son our Risen Savior, we have the blessing and promise that God will listen to our prayers.

God Hears

Do you believe with all your heart that God is, in fact, listening, hearing, caring, and will act in the way that is best for you? Do your life and attitude reflect your belief and trust in God?

As a believer, I hope that your answer to those questions is a resounding “YES!”

However, far too many of us lay out our requests and troubles before the Lord, and then pick them right back up and continue to worry and panic over them. Too often you might find yourself doing the same. Do you allow concern and fear to flood your mind instead of faith?

Looking to the Lord

Looking to the Lord in all of our life situations is vital. He alone has the answers and solutions to everything we face. Seeking His Will and reading His Word to understand His ways better is crucial. Prayer is our link to God that can keep us in constant communication if we use it faithfully and daily. It is truly a gift and a powerful source of help.

Our Father God will hear. We have His promise here in Micah and elsewhere in His word that He hears our cry.

Becoming a Christian

Knowing this, what is your next step?

If you believe that Jesus is the Risen Son of God, have received Him as your Savior, and confessed your sins to God through Christ’s death on the cross for you, you are saved. As such you have the ability to come to the Father as a beloved child with your prayer needs.

You look to God as Your Father and keep obeying Him. We have just read and discussed His promise to hear the believer’s requests.

Believe, Pray and Wait

Now that you have prayed, you wait.

You wait.

Yup. That is the next step. “I will wait for the God of my salvation.”

He is yours. You looked to Him.

You pray. He hears you. Now you wait.

What?! I have to wait?! I am in the middle of a problem here!

You tap your fingers on your desk impatiently.

You think that you wanted an answer immediately.

Perhaps, you think you must immediately have that particular job.

Or you wanted that perfect person to love you back.

You desired the college grade to be higher, the health report to be more favorable, the paycheck to increase.

Wait for these things?! Surely not.

Wait Some More

Yet the waiting time after prayer is often like a seed. It is planted and we then wait for growth.

Grace is given when we ask for it.

Perhaps, the time waiting is a time for reflection.

It might be time to grow even closer to God during the waiting process.

Might be, that we begin to realize the things that God has kept us from enduring had our plans worked out.

That perfect person wouldn’t have been so perfect for you after all.

That new job would have meant more time away from the family.

Funny how we learned to trust God more during that health scare.

Who would have guessed the good times we’d have on our family game nights making do without the costlier entertainment?

God sees, hears, and is at work.

He knows when you needed to study more before the hoped-for higher grade.

He knows the people to whom you will be an inspiration during that health scare.

There was a job where He knew you would do an amazing amount of good for others.

God is Aware

God is aware of the perfect person that HE has in mind for you.

He knows the job where you will do the most good.

He is aware of the contentment and gratitude you will develop with the current paycheck.

In all situations, God hears and knows and works for your good when you are His.

He Brings Good

Read Romans 8:28. It tells us that He brings good from our situations when we are His.

We might not see it right away.

We might not see it in our lifetimes.

It might take us until we are in Heaven to realize all that God was doing for good all along in and with our lives.

However, His timing is always perfect.

He hears. Someone wisely once said that God’s answer might be yes, no, or wait a while.

He Loves and Hears

Our job is to look to the Lord, pray and trust and wait for whatever answer He gives, knowing that, in love, He hears us.



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