Mary at the empty tomb

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Mary Magdalene

 It was so cold and still dark.
 She had come so very early to the tomb.
 Her mind can only take in that the tomb is empty,
 nothing more.
 She runs to tell the disciples and runs back.
 Gasping for breath now, she too looks into the tomb after Peter and John,
 her mind reeling at the sight of angels.
They speak to her.
Angels speaking to a woman,
 but she can only respond that she doesn’t know where the body has gone.
 Clinging to his death, her reality, her mind refuses to take in more.
 She turned back then,
 giving way to the tears.
 The garden is cold.
 She sinks to her knees,
 weeping, grasping at the cold earth with icy fingers.
 The ground is cold and it is so dark.
 Mary is prone and sobbing.
 A man speaks.
 She lifts her head and, thinking he is the gardener of the spot,
 quiets and listens as he asks her why she is crying.
 The first rays of light appear in the east.
 She chokingly, haltingly, asks the man to tell her
 where the body has been put, if he knows.
 Sobs clutch her throat.
 Tears dim her eyes.
 Suddenly, the first blinding light of dawn strikes her tear filled eyes.
 The word “Mary” brings her to her feet.
 There is only one Voice like His.
 In her life before His forgiveness, many men had bought her sin,
 only one had bought her soul.
 She could never forget his voice.
 “Rabboni!” Master! Jesus! Lord!
 Oh God! My God!!
 MY GOD !!!
Read the Scripture text here. Jesus still saves us from despair. Another article by Carol is the story of modern-day despair. It is entitled, “Winds of Change.

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