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Are you listening to God?

The Bible tells us many times that those who follow the world’s wisdom end up in great sorrow and trouble. Fortunately for us, it also tells us of another way to live. It begins and ends with listening to God.

Scripture Gives Us Two Scenarios.

Proverbs 1:32-33 tells us, For the turning away of the simple will slay them,
And the complacency of fools will destroy them;
33 But whoever listens to me will dwell safely,
And will be secure, without fear of evil.”

In this passage of Proverbs 1:32-33, we see two scenarios. The first is that of the wayward, simple man who goes his way without much thought, following the carelessness, thoughtlessness, and apathy of many. Often trouble, lawlessness, disease, and even death are the outcome. He listens to his own ideas, and desires and goes the way of the world.

The second and much more wise scenario is of the man who listens to God and lives in His will. Such choices will keep him in the protection and safety of His Loving Father. He will rest in God’s forgiveness with a clear conscience.

The Bible doesn’t promise a trouble-free existence. Instead, we are assured of life within the fellowship of God and therefore help is always with us. In addition, prayer keeps us connected, and joy in communion with God is unending. God’s wisdom is always perfect, so listening to Him is the only sensible choice.


Because our Creator gave us free will, we are not forced into one path or the other. Instead, we are given the ability choose for ourselves the way to go. The world glitters before us with temporary attractions. The path of following God’s commands and statutes lies before us as well. Many feel that God’s path will be less exciting and more difficult. They suspect it will be more self-sacrificing.

While Christ Himself tells us that each must bear his cross to follow Him, we soon find that contentment, peace, and lasting joy come with that choice. We also receive eternal life with Him and a life filled with purpose.


Which will you choose?

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