light of the world

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12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 NIV

The Light of the World

Jesus tells us that He is the Light of the world.

What exactly does He mean?

Walk into a pitch-dark room and strike a match.

The difference is the powerful answer to our question.

Light vs. Darkness

Darkness is driven back in the presence of light.

Likewise, the darkness of a sin-filled world is driven away by the Light of Christ.

He is goodness and purity, sinlessness and righteousness.

He is Light and holiness when all else is dark and sin-wretched.

Following Christ the Light

He tells the people around Him then, as He tells us now, that He is the Light of the world.

Furthermore, those who follow Christ will not walk in darkness again.

When we have received Christ the Risen Son of God as our Savior and asked God for forgiveness for our sins through Him, we walk in that Light.

Falling In Love

We fall so in love with Jesus that we want to obey Him and trust Him in all things.

That means that we want to follow Him wherever He leads us.

Following Him, we will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.

Do we understand the power of those words?

Following Jesus, truly following Him, means that we will not be in darkness but will have light from Him.

Spiritual Light

Spiritual light is a glorious gift.

The dark world is fully abhorrent to us, as we now cling to the glorious life in Christ the Light.

With His Light within us, our light will shine and share Jesus with others in our small corner of the world.

We have such a wonderful life in Him that we want to share it.

Our New Life in the Light

True love and joy overflow our hearts and it is visible to others around us.

Our behavior is changed.

Our manner is more radiant. Life takes on an exuberant zest.

We have fellowship with Christ Jesus and we are growing in His likeness.

Fruit and Light

Like fruit on the vine growing sweeter with age, we grow spiritually sweeter the longer we remain on the Vine. Linked to Christ, we are changed.

We will have Christ to follow Who is the Light of the world. In fact, we will have that Light within us guiding us and helping us grow in His likeness.

Indeed, He is the Light of the World and when we follow Him, truly and totally follow Him, we will no longer walk in darkness but have the light of life.

What an incredible blessing!

Our part is to truly follow Him, truly believe, truly stay in communion and fellowship with Him, and obey all that He asks.

No pick and choose about it.

The Choice

We are either His and hold His Light within us, or we are of the world and for the devil.

The choice is yours. The consequences are Heaven or Hell for eternity.

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