let our souls dance

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Let our souls dance
only to Your Music, O God.

In all of our lives, we find many things that bring joy.
Our verse today is Psalm 118:24 KJV, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

He Makes the Day

God, indeed, has made each day and put us in the midst of the living of each one.
He wants us to find joy in them.
However, all too often, we turn to the things that are not of God nor in accord with His Will as our source of pleasure. We overindulge in things to eat. We partake in things not good for us. This is something that we know is wrong, yet we do it anyway.

Wrong Values

Often we put fame and friends, popularity and climbing the ladder to success into our life.
You might convince yourself that what you are doing is normal, common practice, or even necessary. However, anything that is not within the Will of our Heavenly Father for us, will ultimately bring us sorrow and suffering.

He Knows What is Best for Us

God alone knows which is best for us. He knows what we need in our lives and how to best serve Him.
There is so much joy found in Him and in His Perfect Plan for each of us.
To find perfect joy, you follow His Will and not your own.

Putting God First

You must put God above all else. You put no other gods before Him. There should be no other person, place, or thing before God in our lives.
When we are truly putting Him first and drawing close to Him, we feel a new joy deeper than anything we have known before.

He Frees Our Souls to Dance

Our souls are free to serve Him, to live joyfully and freely within His Will. There is freedom and release. There is no longer a prison holding us back from full freedom in Christ.
Our souls have been set free to dance.
The song in our souls is now beautiful.
There is no longer discord and the clanging chaos of disobedience harming us.

Dancing to the Music of God

Our souls are set free to dance with utter joy to the music of God within us.
They no longer move to the music of the world but to the music of God.
Let it be so, dear Lord, for each of us Who love and follow You.
Let our souls dance only to Your Music, O God.

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