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“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee …” Jeremiah 1:5a KJV

Our verse begins with an incredible truth. God recognizes we are living beings BEFORE we take our first breath. He recognizes us as beings BEFORE we were formed. BEFORE union at conception, BEFORE the forming of our first cells, God knew us. He was aware of all we would become and He loved us anyway.

God understands all the facets of the soul, the nooks and crannies of the personality of the individual, and the many dimensions in which a human spirit may dwell.

Levels of consciousness can’t be revealed to another human being fully, for humans grasp only a portion of what is, at best, clumsily expressed by another.

We barely understand a fragment of our own nature.

God alone knows us.

What a thought!

We are known to the Almighty Creator of the Universes.

The Great God and Father of all mankind perfectly knows you and me.

Furthermore, He knows all there is to know of all of us.

Nothing comes as a surprise to God. We can hide nothing from Him.

He is aware of every thought, every deed, every motive, and yet He loves us.

The utter wonder is that despite all that is already known and perfectly understood about us, LOVE is what the Father holds for us.

He wraps us in Love when we walk into His Arms. There we will realize at last that we have come into the only Haven that welcomes and understands and still and forever Loves us.

To rest in total Love must indeed be perfect bliss.

Imagine being totally known and totally understood,

and despite all that,

being totally and eternally loved.

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