jesus betrayed

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14 Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15 and said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?” And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver. 16 So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him. Matthew 26:14-16 NKJV


Jesus betrayed is the scene before us. Jesus Himself is turned against by one of His own disciples.

The things that have been done to us unfairly pale by comparison.

Jesus was betrayed to the extent that He would be killed as a result of that betrayal.


Holy Week is a time of sobering thoughts and horrifying events before the conclusion of resurrection and joy.

One such event is so sickeningly shocking that it is hard to believe it happened.

One of the disciples, close to Jesus Himself, becomes a betrayer.


Judas was taught at Jesus’ side, yet betrayed Him.

The one who walked with Him, laughed with Him and ate with Him now betrays Him.

He is one who watched miracle after miracle happen at the touch of Jesus. He had been one of the chosen twelve.


Yet, for all this, Judas turns to the chief priests and asks them what they will give him for delivering Jesus to them.

What will you give me for Jesus?

What do I get?


They tell Judas they will hand over 30 pieces of silver in exchange for the life of Jesus.

That’s $197.40 today.


The Christ.

The Messiah.

The Son of God.


Can you let that sink in for a minute?


The Son was present with the Father at Creation.

Christ was sent to save the world from their sins.

Christ gave us Salvation and opened Heaven for mankind.

Jesus Who gives us Eternal Life.

Jesus Christ Who is the Savior of the Universe.

Sold for $197.40 in today’s cash.

You could get about 4 cartons of cigarettes with that.

May God Almighty have mercy on our souls!


Finally, we can’t plead innocence on the part of Judas, for he must have known the times those same leaders sought for the life of Jesus.  Jesus told the disciples many times that He would be put to death.

Judas simply chose to sell Jesus for $197.40.

Money for his pocket.

Money to spend on himself.

Judas left Jesus’ side during the Last Supper to go to these same leaders and it was “night.”(John 13:30.)


Turning away from Christ makes life dark indeed.

It will never be light again for Judas.

He will have a bit of money in his pouch and emptiness in his heart forever.

He has lost everything.


How many of us do the same?

No, I realize you haven’t sold Him to the leaders for coins.

You might have devalued His Name with your language.

Laughed at the idea of Christ at all.

Perhaps, you ridiculed the very thought of Christ until you were at death’s door or knew of a loved one who was.


Have you sold out on Jesus to look cool?

To earn prestige with the leaders of your own personal pack?

Do you scorn Him to gain your own personal approval from the crowd?

While we want to vomit at the thought of Judas and that $197.40, did You betray Jesus for less?

Easter Links:

Palm Sunday; Monday, Jesus Knew; Tuesday, What Authority; Wednesday, Jesus Betrayed; Thursday Early, This Night; Thursday Late, He Prays Before The Arrest; Friday, Seven Sayings From The Cross; Saturday, Silent Saturday; Sunday, Resurrection Sunday

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