Poor but Rich

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Don’t Be Anxious

See his beautiful smile? He is living in a landfill and rejoicing in his little sister. Does he have concerns? I am sure he does each day he has to scrounge for food. However, you can see the joy in his eyes.

Instead of worrying, we are to think of the many blessings God has given to us. Think of all of His past protection and healing. Praising God with thankful hearts is key to His Peace and joyful, trusting faith.


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV)

Pray about everything

Praying is one of our most needed tools to walk with and serve the Lord. Take time now if you can and pray about your commitment to praying more often. If you have time read, Prayer – The Forgotten Command.

God wants to bless you and provide what you need.

God’s peace

The peace of God is a gift that God gives when you accept Jesus into your life. It is not automatic, you will have to work to learn how to activate His peace in the presence of trials. It is worth the effort. You can grow in faith and the ability to witness to others,

God promises you joy. However, that joy comes only as you realize that you are totally in God’s hands and surrender your life completely to Him.

I can truly say that He is my joy every day. There was a time when I trusted in material possessions and worldly security for my happiness. It took a long time to reach the point where I can say like Paul, I am satisfied in all circumstances.

The Joy of the Lord fills my life now. You can have this same joy and peace by putting your trust completely in Jesus.

Guard your minds

Your mind and heart are guarded against the troubles of the world when you offer up your prayers to God. Satan is a liar and wants you to think that the world can overcome you. Satan cannot defeat you when you rest in God’s peace.

Instead of worrying keep focused on the one who created all things and ask Him for what you need. When you ask and believe you will begin to see miracles in your everyday life. God wants to bless you.

Your part

You can be a blessing too. When you share with others the wonder of God’s gift to you. Everyone needs the love of God in their lives and needs to understand how important it is to call upon Him. They need to know that they can put away worry and live in peace in all circumstances.

The victory is yours when you walk in the joy of the Lord.

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