Trust GodClick For Audio Version

Which way should I go?

Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning,
For in You do I trust;
Cause me to know the way in which I should walk,
For I lift up my soul to You. Psalm 143:8 NKJV


Do you often wonder what path we should take in life? If so, you are very much like me in that way. I pause and wonder over options, whether it be a small choice or a major decision.

Scripture tells us that God will show us the way in which we should walk. We know from His acts throughout the eons of time that He alone is trustworthy and has the perfect solution for us all. He alone knows the best way we are to go, who to marry, what job to take, how to counsel our children, and on and on.

God has the answers. We can get the answers from Him. We can trust God.


He loves us. We see and feel and live within the blessing of His lovingkindness day after day. He has proven to be worthy of our faith and belief and trust. We can rest in Him and give all of our lives and all of ourselves to His keeping.

We can put our souls into His Hands. In fact, when we lift up our souls to God as the Psalm says, we find that our spirits and joy and peace and comfort level are also lifted up as never before. All things are better in God’s Hands.

Have you put your life into His keeping?

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