I AM with you always

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20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matt 28:20 NKJV


Jesus says, “…I am with you always ….” What a powerful, glorious, life-changing, life-affirming statement expressed in five words by Jesus to us. First, they were said to the few watching Jesus ascend to the Father. He is giving them their commission to share Him with the world. He tells them then and He is telling us now that He will not leave us. Ever.

He will be with us Always.


Wherever we go, Jesus goes with us. Anywhere we are, Jesus is there.

We can’t be alone. We can’t be desolate.

Christ Jesus, the Risen Son of God Almighty is with you right now.

Say that again to yourself with feeling.

Say it often and think about it long and hard.

Standing Beside Us

Life cannot be as bad as you thought it was if Christ Jesus stands beside you through it all.

No illness will take you from Christ.

No danger will rip us from His Presence.

There is no manmade device that can change that fact.

Nothing can pry us from His Love.

With Us

He is with us now and Always.

No time on the clock can remove Him from us.

No date on the calendar can eradicate Jesus from our side.


He is with us and He is with us Always.

The end of the age can come.

He is with us still.

He’s still there, right beside you on your worst day. You are never alone.

The Work

While you and I are here we are to do something. He tells us that. Until we are called to Heaven, we have work to do for Jesus.

We are to tell others about Jesus and all that He told believers to observe.

Read the Bible to see it all. Though it all comes down to loving God and loving each other. All else comes from these two commands.

He tells you to share the good news about Him and to share His Love. Jesus tells you to remember that while you teach others about Him, He is right beside you and He will help you and you will not be alone.

Through It All

On days, His message is well received, He is standing close to you.

When they ridicule His messenger, He is beside you.

In fear and in sorrow, He is there.

In war, He is with us.

When we live in times of peace, He stands beside us.

In poverty or in plenty, He isn’t going to leave us.

He tells you that He is always there with you. Always. He is with all believers. This wonderful promise is for you and me today too as we share Jesus with others around us.

Thank You, God!

We have Jesus with us!


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