His RobeClick For Audio Version


21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.  Matthew 9:21 KJV

It was dawn and my 7-year-old granddaughter, in her little pink nightgown, found me in the kitchen.

She smiled softly in the early morning light and followed me to the pantry door.

Still smiling sleepily, she half whispered to me, “Sometimes, Grandma, when I go to sleep at night…I just feel as if God’s Robe is put over me.”…

She seemed to think about what she had said.. and with a sigh breathed, “It’s like I can still feel it.”

She took some food to the table and walked away, leaving me weak-kneed and stunned.

Touching His Hem

I thought of the woman in the Bible who just wanted to touch the hem of His robe to be healed, and just be close to Him.

When did we last desire that closeness?

When did we last pray and spend time being with Him, listening to His Word, both in Scripture and in our hearts?

Can you recall when you last desired time to spend alone in His Presence?

When did you last draw close to Him and have His Robe placed over your weary soul and rest in His peace?

Go to Him now. It is not too late yet. Someday, our opportunity will be over, but today there is still time.

Go to Him. Talk to Him. Seek His Robe. More importantly, seek Him.

Cling to Him.

The Holy Spirit’s Covering

You would then feel His Robe, His Holy Spirit’s covering, over you, each day of your life.

As we spend our time with Him, as we keep Him in our thoughts and days, we continue to grow closer to Him.

As He promises in the Bible, He would then be in your heart and you in His.

May you too desire His Robe be drawn over you – and be at peace.


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