His Presence

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20 And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”   Matthew 28:20b NIV


The church is empty and I am alone…Alone on this Good Friday.

I set out the Communion service for Easter.

I smooth the white cloth over the Communion table, thinking as I do, of other hands that smoothed the cloth over His broken body on that other Good Friday.

The white cloth beneath my hands hides the chalice for wine, the plate for bread, vessels to hold His gifts.

That first white cloth hid Him too, for a bit, until resurrection’s dawn, empowered by God, raised the Given Gift to Eternal Life.

I kneel before the altar now, my eyes on the cross behind the pulpit.

It is empty too, as the tomb would also be.

He didn’t remain at either place, so He could come to me, here in this place now, and fill me with His Presence.

Did I say the church was empty and I was alone?

I was wrong.


This church… and my heart… are always filled …to overflowing …with His Presence and His Love.


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