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These words were written during Covid’s enforced isolation. Covid caused people to spend more time at home alone than perhaps ever before in remembered history. During this time, many wondered if our world would forever change, or end as we knew it.

People felt trapped.

In times of crisis, often one is limited in their ability to mingle and share.

Others, however, saw it as an opportunity to get closer to God and replenish their soul.



What a rare gift is at this unique time in the universe.

The earth paused,  and we were secluded into ourselves. We first sought safety for our bodies.

We discovered while hidden, that it was our souls that needed replenishing.

Soul hunger had ravaged our world, and most had been unaware for a very long time.

Now, time was given. We realized minimal needs were the only true needs.

Much was only now realized as reflection became more abundant. As our thinking grew keener, and more selective, we felt our inner life expand…

Some drew closer to God

Some drew closer to God, and prayer flowed, the two-sided sweetness of speaking less and listening so much more.

We drank in the wisdom that was so freely given by our Creator when we asked. We then savored the infilling Love He poured so lavishly…

May we never want the closeness to lessen.  May we keep the lessons learned, cherish the bond forged, and embrace the gift of life given in the midst of death.

Coming out again, may we keep within the new growth of our souls.

We will perhaps,

rejoin the world, with God now Within us…

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