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“And Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.”  Matthew 8:7 NKJV

I have written since I was 13 years old, these true stories of mine, given to me by God to put down. They are my life, written story by story.

I was saved at 14 and God has led me through each day of joy or sorrow, never leaving my side.

However, this story I now relay is my most joyful, yet one that most will find unbelievable.

I promise this is the complete truth.

It is my testimony of God’s healing and I can never thank Him enough!!

God still heals.

He is still God.

He still comes to us and works miracles.

But let me begin at the beginning.

If you have been reading on Iamcalls.com for any length of time, you will know that both Bruce and I were widowed and God drew us together, in part to combine our families of my 6 children, and Bruce’s 4 into one of 10 children with their spouses, 25 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. We also acquired 3 former foster children we keep in touch with and 6 Tanzanian orphans we have “adopted.” In all, with that many family members, there are many, many ups and downs. Health situations abound.

Luke’s story was told first in “Touching God,”(which is also on our iamcalls.com website) and it relays the most frightening of health situations.

My son Luke was diagnosed with brain cancer.

He had symptoms in 2013, was refused an MRI for 9 months due to insurance, and finally he paid for an MRI out of pocket to discover a large mass on his brain.

A second MRI showed that it was growing and October 2014, one year to the day after his first symptoms, he had his first brain cancer surgery.

We were told it was an oleogodendro glioma, stage 2.

Luke, at age 32, was given 9-15 years to live. We were told there was a 100 percent chance of dying from such a brain cancer.

There had been NO adult survivors.

In Feb 2018, Luke had his second surgery. At that time, he was told he had been misdiagnosed due to it being a mixed glioma and he was reclassified an anaplastic astrocytoma, stage 3, a more aggressive cancer.  I researched this one and the findings online said 3-5 years of life expectancy.

He had radiation for 30 some sessions and a year of oral chemo.

In October 2023 it was growing again and he had his third brain surgery and was told he would have to go through radiation again.

He did. He then began a second year began of oral chemotherapy.

I could also tell you that Luke, along with his brothers, had been the most wonderful son in the world, was a loving husband to his beautiful wife Lindsey, and (when this began they were expecting their only child.) Their son, Kason was born in November 2013. Luke was a firefighter then and loved it. It was all he had wanted to be all his life. This, of course, ended with the first brain cancer surgery.

Throughout these years of his nightmare, and ours, Luke’s faith was STRONG. He BELIEVED in GOD and in prayer. His testimony was given over and over to those around him. He was thrilled when an unbeliever heard and was moved.

He was surrounded by prayer.

We prayed for him daily. His wife prayed. His siblings prayed. Friends prayed. Complete strangers prayed. I prayed  …and prayed…and prayed. That is a huge, huge understatement.

When I met Bruce, he heard all about Luke and he prayed. After we married, Bruce and I went to Luke’s and we prayed for him, laying on hands and believing.

Throughout these years, Luke had MRIs to check on the remaining tumor. Much of it was unable to be removed throughout all three surgeries. Tenacles of cancer reached deep into the healthy tissue.

So every several months routine MRIs were done to keep track of the remaining cancer.


And then, after yet another MRI, Luke was told the doctor was “puzzled.”

Another MRI was done.

He saw only scar tissue.

A tumor board of experts was presented with the MRI findings. They said they saw scar tissue.


Every several months an MRI is still performed and the results are the same.

Luke has never taken chemotherapy again.

The surgeon still says he is “Puzzled.”

We say,….and forever will say:








One thought on “HEALED!!!”
  1. Dearest Carol,
    It is with such love, joy and appreciation that I have read and reread your inspirational true story, and prayed so often for God’s child Luke over these many years. This continues to prove the great love Our Heavenly Father has for us.
    Love Your Forever Friend, Jan

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