He is faithful

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If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 NKJV

The Miracle for Sinners

When we confess, the miracle happens because God is good and He is faithful to sinners.

Sinners describe us all, like it or not.

Deep inside, we know we have all sinned.

Most obviously, we know that we have personally sinned over and over throughout our lives.

 Sins of Every Kind

Sins have been blatant acts of selfishness and greed.

They have hurt others and damaged our lives and the lives of others.

Sometimes the sins were sins of omission. We simply didn’t do what we knew in our souls should have been done or said to help someone else. We turned away.

Perhaps, our own time and effort came to the front of our mental to-do list.

Our own pleasure was more important to us than the needs of another.

Sin resulted in both acting or not acting, as the case may be.

Sin was in us and we were powerless to get rid of it.

God’s Plan

God has a plan to save us. He is faithful.

God acted in love and sent His Son to die for those sins, as all sin was punishable by death. Jesus died in our place.


BUT we had to believe and confess that Jesus was the risen Son of God and we had to CONFESS our sins to God. We had to realize how filthy, how degrading, how immoral, how unholy we were when in our sins.

Hating the Sins

We had to hate the stench of sin upon ourselves and beg God to forgive us. Confession and the abhorring of our sin had to be so strong that we wanted nothing more than to turn from our sins in repentance and change.

Desiring a New Life in Christ

We want forgiveness and then newness in life. A life following and obeying Christ for the rest of our lives is now what we want more than life itself. We want to be forgiven and have Jesus more than we want the next breath.

Confession, Forgiveness, and Being Made New

And so we confess.

We throw ourselves at God’s feet and ask for forgiveness through Christ.

We mean it more than we have ever meant anything in our lives.

God is good and He is faithful and He does what He says. He forgives us and cleanses us from all our unrighteousness. God makes us fully and totally clean. Our sin is gone.

We are new creatures, forgiven and whole, in Christ Jesus!

The Miracle Is For You Too

Are you tired of the bleakness, and darkness of sin in Your life and the realization that the end of that sin is death and leads to hell?

God provides YOU an answer through Christ.

He tells you to believe in Jesus and confess Him and then, in Christ, to CONFESS your sins before God.

The miracle is yours for the asking.

He is faithful.

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