Hollowed is our God p2

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Hallowed Is Your Name O God!

Jesus opened His example of how to pray with these words in Luke 11:1 NKJV, Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.

You are Holy

I humbly bow my head before You and praise You for allowing me to be called by Your Name.

Hallowed is Your Name and yet I can call upon you in my need. I thank you, Father, for adopting me.

I rejoice in You

My heart is full of the joy of knowing You, my God. May my wife and I and all our children praise you for all the years you have given us? You are always faithful to Your blessed Word. Your laws give us peace and joy all our days. You never change and you never fail.

You are my Rock

Lord, the world is falling apart around us. Satan’s lies are being accepted as right in the eyes of men. Wickedness is growing everywhere we look. Evil is called good and few oppose it. You, O Lord, are our only Rock on which we can stand. Help us O Lord!

Hallowed is Your Name, we praise You when we wake in the morning and when we lie down at night.

You are Righteous

Your Righteousness is always before us even as Your love and kindness. Your Word guides us in Your way and teaches us what is good and right for our lives.

Please bring us to repentance and restore us to righteousness. Forgive us and heal our land.

May Your praise be in our mouths all day long. You are wonderful. Your love is beyond our understanding.

Let us pray!

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